2001 Maldives getaway
Bruce and Elin take a break... Again

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Shopping in Male Heavy artillery Achmed & yours truly Elin at sunset On the beach
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Anniversary Breakfast bar By the pool Kurumba means Coconut Dive central
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Our bungalow Diving Diva Heading out Divemaster Rene Peace & Love
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On On Wetsuit gives illusion of chubbiness Nothing like fresh air... After the dive Heavy weather
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Another day at the mill notice the second one the love boat one more for you At the bar.
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clowning around JJ & Rene..Hi, guys. What is under the cover? a quiet moment Our favorite restaurant and restauranteur
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No kidding. froggy and felicity The diving area ( fun zone) in the drink I pledge allegiance...
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With diving instructor, Sendhi. keeping the records Peterand Caroline. Hi guys. No diving today... pool Definitely sunset.
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sunset or sunrise? Ho hum..another sunset. In the drink, too. Indian night...Again Big bats fly at sunset. Woooo.
Dasvidanya, Elena.